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- Should all accounting firms have a podcast?
Should all accounting firms have a podcast?
My talk with Blake Oliver (and answer in today’s email)
Hey 👋 - Brandon here.
Happy Saturday to 1,534 growth-minded accountants.
Here’s one growth tip for you and your firm.
Today’s issue takes less than 4 minutes to read.
This week I sat down with Blake Oliver at the Digital Deep Dive Conference.
The Conference targets CMOs and marketing leaders at Top 100 firms.
Blake and I had a session on podcasting - more specifically why firms should NOT start a podcast. It was a great session and I enjoyed learned how one of Blake’s YouTube shorts went mega viral.
In today’s newsletter, I’m going to step through whether or not all accounting firms should try to launch a podcast.
The short answer is yes.
Don’t do it for awareness
The first mistake people make when launching a new podcast is thinking it will be a top-of-funnel awareness too.
But a podcast is difficult to distribute.
Unlike a TikTok video which gets pushed to tens of thousands of users automatically, a podcast distribution is more manual. Ideally, you have a large social following and newsletter that you can push episodes and clips to.
Instead, launch a podcast but make the purpose of it to create additional content with ease (this was Blake Oliver’s idea).
Just press record on voice memos or video and start talking about a topic.
After you’re done, you’ll have a transcript which can be repurposed into one or two blog posts as well as tweets and LinkedIn posts.
You’ll also have a long video that can be broken down into multiple 60 second clips.
One 30-minute podcast recording can turn into 13 pieces of content (2 blogs, 1 newsletter, 5 tweets, 2 LinkedIn posts, 3 one-minute videos).
People love consuming high quality information via audio
Podcasts and audio books have seen massive adoption.
According to Pew Research, over 75% of Americans aged 12+ had listened to a podcast in the past month.
That’s an insane statistic.
It also means you should have a podcast.
Build relationships passively
Accounting firms sell clients on relationships.
We all do the same work no matter how flashy we make our special features.
What clients are really buying is the relationship. Relationship selling used to be through word of mouth, attending functions, sponsoring charity events, playing golf, etc.
But today, your prospective clients can build relationships with you passively by listening to your voice and watching your videos.
This shortens the selling process - often we will talk to new prospects who just want us to send them an engagement letter to get started because they’ve consumed so much of our content that they know, like, and trust us.
Launch your podcast this summer
I hope you commit to a low effort way of launching an podcast.
It doesn’t have to be sexy and center the goal around creating additional content rather than driving leads.
Do this weekly for 12 months and you’ll find you have a powerful content platform that pulls in customers on autopilot.
That's all for this Saturday. See you next week.
Whenever you're ready, here's how I can help you.
→ Work with me 1:1 to grow your firm (now accepting waitlist coaching applications)
See you again next week.
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